On July 18, Elżbieta, Karthika, and Emilia traveled to Gdańsk University of Technology for a knowledge transfer meeting organized by prof. Jacek Ryl and the local student science club RedOX, affiliated with the ECS. During the meeting, Elżbieta presented various methods our group has explored for fabricating electrodes for 3D cell cultures. She received valuable…
Emilia secures new grant to develop sensor array for detecting “Good Night Cinderella” drugs
Following a budget revision by the National Science Centre (NCN), Emilia’s project, “Unlocking the Potential of Ion-Transfer Voltammetry-Based Electronic Tongues for Date-Rape Drug Detection in Real Samples,” has been awarded funding under the SONATA BIS 13 call. This funding scheme, aimed at PhD holders who obtained their degrees 5-12 years before the call, is a…
Emilia at the Matrafured Conference
Following the STER Summer School, Emilia traveled to Hungary to participate in the Matrafured Conference on Chemical Sensors from June 16 to 21, 2024. Established in 1972, this conference has a storied history spanning over half a century. Held every two to three years, the event takes place in the picturesque and relatively secluded location…
Participating and Co-organizing the STER Summer School in Redox Processes
From June 10 to 14, our institute had the privilege of hosting the STER Summer School in Redox Processes, funded by the NAWA program. Each day of the workshop was dedicated to a specific topic, beginning with a tutorial lecture by an internationally renowned expert, followed by presentations from students and local specialists. This event…
Elżbieta, Emilia and borrowed group member Kasia at Solaris synchrotron
From 15th to 18th of April 2024 the group had a chance to learn how to perform XAS measurements at the SOLARIS synchrotron. As it was our first experiment in such a lab and it was recommended to have 2 people per shift we were joined by Kasia Dusiło from a neighbour group at the…
Elżbieta’s research stay at Mackgraphe -Brazil
Thanks to funding from NAWA/STER iWARSAW4PhD project for 2022-2024 during January Elżbieta visited Cecilia de Carvalho Castro e Silva’s lab in Mackenzie Institute for Research in Graphene and Nanotechnologies. Elżbieta’s work was aimed at fabrication of electrode arrays using Mackgraphe clean room facilities. Mackgraphe is renowned for its multidisciplinary installation with emphasis on nanoelectronics, microelectronics…
Karthika’s presentation at the Dornburg Doctoral Seminar in Thuringia
Together with 15 other PhD students from our institute Karthika went to the Dornburg Doctoral Seminar hosted by the Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien in Thuringia from 18 to 21 March. Karthika was chosen for an oral presentation and talked about “Low-cost ITO microelectrodes for biosensing using Prussian blue analogues as mediators”. The presentation was well…
Emilia’s talk at the Nazaretanki high school
On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Emilia was invited to give a talk at the Liceum Ogólnokształcące Sióstr Nazaretanek w Warszawie. Meeting with the students was a great chance to reflect on her journey of becoming a scientist and to debunk the myth that everyone knows who they…
Elżbieta’s publication featured on a cover of ACS Omega
Elżbieta’s publication “Methods of Protection of Electrochemical Sensors against Biofouling in Cell Culture Applications” was recently accepted in ACS Omega. The article concerns various methods of antifouling coating for electrochemical sensors, especially applied to monitor vital culture parameters in cell cultures. The publication was featured on the main cover of the journal. The work was…
Grant for experiments at SOLARIS synchrotron
We are super happy to announce that our proposal, “Unravelling the electronic and geometric structure of metal-organic coordination polymeric materials for photo-assisted proton-coupled electron transfer reactions in energy conversion devices”, submitted to the Autumn 2023 Call at SOLARIS, has been accepted!We will work six shifts at the PIRX (Premiere InstRument for Xas) beamline to characterize…