Emilia was invited to the 11th International Workshop on Surface Modification for Chemical and Biochemical Sensing to give a keynote talk entitled “Simple systems for electrochemical ion sensing”. The conference was held in Łochów, Poland, between the 3rd and 7th of November 2023.
Apart from the standard scientific presentations, the conference was rich in tutorial lectures, which were a chance to get a better overview on:
- Lipid membranes, SAM and gold nanoclusters in electrochemistry by Prof. Bilewicz
- Bipolar electrochemistry presented by Prof. Kuhn, which started with a quote that also nicely fitted Emilia’s presentation
- Aptamer sensors by Prof. Ferapontova
- Molecularly Imprinted Polymers by Prof. Haupt
- Peptide monolayers by Prof. Sęk
Prof Insung Choi gave an exciting lecture, in which he showed how he went from ideas doodled on a napkin to creating a new research topic on encapsulating cells (cells in shells, artificial spores, cyborg cells, supra cells). The cell coatings can be active or static, tune activity of the cell and even make it move towards some stimulus. Emilia was also doodling a bit during the lectures, portraying the speakers and listeners and making some visual notes.
On Monday, she had her talk about simple systems, which covered Martyna’s miniaturized cell for ion-transfer voltammetry and Ela’s syringe ion-selective electrodes. She was also honoured to chair the first morning session on the last day of the conference.

The conference had a great, friendly vibe, and many social events helped to foster new scientific friendships.
Great meeting! Do not forget to register for the next edition in 2026!
Emilia’s participation was financed from the National Science Centre NCN Sonata grant no. 2020/39/D/ST4/02256